Monday 31 August 2015

A Circus Parade or WW3 Preparations?

Russia and China for the second time in this year went through combined military drills. The “Joint Sea-2015 (II)” exercised in the previous week on Russia’s Pacific coast around 300 miles away Japan homi islands, both China and Russia practiced amphibious landing of 400 marines, in addition to that fighter jets drills also took place targeting on land areas and offshore as well. The Chinese also used aviation assets to move troops to the beach via parachutes and fast ropes via helicopter, they also provided air cover as part of the combined arms exercises. More than 20 ships from China and Russia participated in this joint sea drill.

Apart from that some 5,000 troops from 11 NATO allies will be taking part in “simultaneous multinational airborne operations military exercises” across Germany, Italy Romania and Bulgaria. This is said to be the biggest airborne drills in Europe ever since Cold war ended. The allied warplanes drills which took place on 26 August dropped more than 1,000 paratroopers and equipment to Hohenfels training area in Germany. Similar drill took place the same day at the Novo Selo training area in Bulgaria, which was a former Soviet ally. Until 13 September there will be some 5,000 soldiers from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Britain and the United States who will participate in these military drills.

The ELN study said that NATO plans approximately 270 exercises this year, while Russia has announced 4,000 drills at all levels. The NATO’s Allied Shield in June mobilized 15,000 people from 19 NATO countries and also from three partner states where as Russia’s March exercise involved 80,000 personnel.

After the annexation of Crimea and many other events from Russia there rose many objects of an excuse of mistrust for West towards Russia. Those excuses gave a rise to these massive military drills. The US said on Tuesday that these NATO drills in Europe codenamed “Swift Response 15”  is designed to help allied "high-readiness forces" act as one and "demonstrate the alliance's capacity to rapidly deploy and operate in support of maintaining a strong and secure Europe." 

Where on other hand officials from Russia and China said that their military exercises are to boost collective regional security and serve as a backstop against the expansion of US military and political influence in the region.

A confusing state develops from these mass military drills that which country(s) is actually under a threat? A simple answer to this lies in the events from history and a deep examining of the leaders who thought they could control all those events in past, but the events have their own dynamics and momentum and thus they could not be controlled.

 All these exercises are a sure indication of increased uncertainty and risks of dangerous military encounters and chances for European conflict OR are we simply watching a Circus Parade, you decide.

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