Monday 22 June 2015

Can a Potato solve all energy crises? and also charge your phone?

Electricity is a major resource required for us to survive, it is usually bought or paid for through government taxes that are usually quite expensive. Electricity has brought convenience for us but at the same time an energy crisis is a huge issue taking occurring in many places. 

So what if we used veggies to produce our own energy? Yes! I'm not crazy, you can actually produce electricity using a few potatoes, and that energy can be used to do a lot of stuff including charging your mobile phone. Most of us have seen potato powered clocks in school science projects as kids, but scientists have researched and have discovered that a potato can power more than just clocks, it can power a small community or village which do not originally have electrical energy access. 
A quarter of a potato, boiled for eight minutes can be used to power LED lights, mobile phone and other electronics. The potato battery kit includes a wired copper cathode and zinc anode. 


Potatoes are common across the globe, they are the fourth most abundant food crop on the planet. The potato is not an actual battery that produces energy but it is a simple salt bridge that allows the passing of electrons currents between the two major poles of the earth which in turn produces electrical energy. 
The use of a potato as an energy resource is just the beginning, who knows whatever we consume in breakfast, lunch and dinner could help in ending energy crises?
Also, If any of you are in contact with Akon (Singer), you should give him this article to read, Potato's may be the key to electricity in Africa! Who knows?

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