Monday 29 June 2015

Drones for Fun, Media, and Terrorism

Unmanned aerial vehicles or DRONES are high tech planes designed to fly with a simple controller used by pilots to control them from the ground. 
Drones were first introduced before the WWI as these planes were used as target practice for army personnels, and later got improved and soon huge drones were in production. The basic need for a drone is to see what is beyond our sight without the trouble of going to the exact place yourself. And yes, due to this cause, spy drones were invented which were camouflaged into birds or different objects so that they could not be detected and could easily transmit images of the enemy without the risk of the pilot being caught. Some countries invented their own military drones which are equipped with missiles and guns, because of this, the country can without any problems bombard or trespass illegal airspaces and leave no clue, and with the pilot in their own headquarters controlling the drone, they have no fear of getting their own guy in trouble. 

Apart from all the military stuff, Drones are used by the media and local civilians. The media uses these drones to have a better coverage of the news they are broadcasting and with this they can get easy images and videos, where as a simple camera man would take alot longer to achieve the same goals. Apart from practical uses, some drones are used by normal civilians for fun, Drone are available in markets for about $600. 

The highest altitude recorded by a drone is 14264 ft and companies are trying to improve the numbers so that these planes can one day be used to transport people and cargo without the need of a pilot. 
Technology has gained a huge step towards a better and mechanical future. But wherever there is something created to help the world, it can also be used to destroy it as some countries have developed different nuclear powered drones equipped with nuclear weapons for upcoming wars in the future. 

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