Thursday 30 July 2015

Nuclear Energy: The Right of Iran.

In the minds of human beings there runs this feeling to conquer and rule over the most possible things which they could, when it doesn't seem to happen the easy way, they use money and power. They want things to go according to them and don't want any interpretations to it. A big example of those minds is seen in the shape of America and with its allies, known as world powers. To achieve their devilish goals they would go through anything, either if its killing an innocent, oppression, destabilizing a country by starting battles and by lots of unjust acts. But the most interesting thing is that after all that oppression they have forecast, the world still sees them as righteous heads of state. It's not that those people like oppression its rather because that oppression is made to appear as justified and right thing but sadly we follow all those justification which appears on media with our closed minds and eyes.

Half a century ago from today Iran was an idle nation, USA, UK and some other European countries had a lot of interest in Iran's natural resources the same way they had interests in natural resources in Afghanistan, made Al-Qaeda and Taliban introduced them as terrorist organizations, killed the innocents of their own country in 911, blamed it on Al-Qaeda and Yaaay!, they actually had a justifiable reason to invade Afghanistan. The very same case with Iraq and other similar states. The Shah of the Iran was sold out to America, and he himself had bought his entire nation and made them go into a long sleep. During that time Iran started to become famous as 2nd Europe because of the entirely westernized culture. The Iranians just had to sit in their homes, relax and enjoy their life not supposed to work at all, the American pulpit was there to fund them. But a man called Imam Khomeni rose up, opposed the ideology and system of Shah and the hacks of national property by western powers, he made the people to stand on their feet, think and renovate their minds. And with the support of 30 million revolutionary Iranians he finally kicked out Shah and his Western powers undergoing one of the remarkable revolution and established an independent state which caused no threat to any state. By then money and power couldn't buy Iran and ever since those western powers are struggling not to accept that defeat. Today Iran is the biggest enemy of America, why? Simply because Iran says no to the policies of America thus as a revenge they imposed sanctions on them so that they may not flourish.
Today when the supreme leader of Iran tells that we have no interest over building nuclear weapons and proves that from the Holy Book Qur'aan that the weapons of mass destruction are not allowed in the religion, these unjust leaders from West don't want that to be accepted by the world, they want to maintain a bad image of Iran by their baseless and false interpretations. But the Muslims trust him they trust Ayatollah Khomeni exactly they same way Christians trust Pope Francis.

After the agreement of P5+1 on Iran's nuclear deal which also seems as a strategy for the world powers for future relations with Iran, the red carpet are now been rolled out in Tehran as the high officials from different parts of the world are arriving to explore the beautiful Iran and doors of trade are seen to be opening with various profitable business opportunities. Iranians of coarse are very happy with the deal and have opened their arms for warm welcome to foreigners.

But still after the deal has been agreed, the US congress stays in its arrogant state with Iran. Earlier the republicans from congress criticized John Kerry for giving too much ground to Iran on which he cleared that its not to reform the Iranian regime. Although its still possible for the US congress to torpedo the deals during the 2 month time congress has to review the deal, Mr. Obama cannot lift the sanctions imposed by congress on Iran, its also possible that congress can reject the deal although Mr. Obama has the right to veto that which is unlikely to happen because it would need two-third majority to overturn the veto.
America now remains in a state of anxiety related to Iran as things are not going accordingly to their dearly plans and wishes and a slightest mistake can result devastating for America.

In the previous week Ayatollah Khomeni cleared if America starts of any battle it would be its suicide mission, he quoted, " An individual has said that he can destroy Iran's army. If those who will hear this statement want to know the truth and if they are willing to use their experiences correctly they should know that should any war break out of course we do not welcome and begin any war, he who will emerge humiliated [literally : "head-cracked"] out of it, will be transgressing criminal America."

President Obama will leave the office one day but this surely would not mean a peaceful world, presidents of USA will come and go but the congress and their mind set of conquering the world and an imagination of world according to America will stay like that, more innocents will die due to a state drowned in selfishness. And that needs to be stopped. Every human has the right to live freely and independently under his religion and culture provided that he doesn't possess any harm to others.

Saturday 25 July 2015

To Palestine, with love, Kashmir!

Dear Palestine,

Asalam o alykum!

I’d start with usual niceties and greetings asking you about your well being and health but I know better than to sound ignorant of your condition. I know how you are; bleeding and seething with resistance. I know of your wounds, of your tears and of your courage. I know how you have been occupied and oppressed in your own land by the Zionists; by those who came and never left. I can imagine your pain, of having unknown, foreign people come into your land, take over it and then treat you as outsiders.

Pardon me, I seem to have lost the etiquette of speaking; I realise I haven’t introduced myself as yet. Well then, here we go.

I am Kashmir. Have you heard of me? Oh, yes you say? Yes I did see some of your people holding a banner in support of me. But maybe all of your people don’t and anyway we are more bound together than you think; by a common bond of resistance. You will often see me portrayed by my oppressor somewhere on the head of its map (which looks like a woman draping a sari), and call me its ‘atoot ang’, the integral part. There’s nothing integral about me and them, well there is nothing familiar about a part even in this equation. You see they came, they occupied and never left. Sounds so familiar, right? They won their freedom from British and then turned their attention towards occupying me, oppressing my people (and others as well) all the while labeling them as ‘terrorists’ for wanting to be free of them.

 If you were here, I’d probably pour you a cup of ‘noon chai’ (salt tea) or ‘kehwa’ if you will. My body knows the underside of the army boots only too well, like you do.

 I have seen lakhs of them trample me in their lust for blood and in their arrogance. I am a green vale, lush with forests, but sometimes even I wonder if their green uniforms outnumber the trees in my heart!

You see that old woman smiling there? Yes, the one in the shabby room, humming a tune to herself. Her son was killed by those murderers and the other son just lost his mind with grief. He was picked up in a ‘rakshak’ (that means protector in Hindi, how funny!) vehicle, and his body found somewhere else, far from his home, torture marks telling a gruesome story. The woman there, you see, she was raped by the forces of the occupier, not only her, but two villages; women from two villages raped in a single night. That man there with no feet and stumps for hands, he was tortured, forced to eat his own flesh for ‘sympathising’ with those fighting for freedom. Those children playing in the ground, they are orphans, their fathers taken by the dark shadows of occupiers to never return. Their mothers are called ‘half widows’; because they don’t know if they are yet widowed or not. They live somewhere in between waiting for some news, of death mostly. And you see vast mounds there, with number plates on them? These are people who never returned, only their dead bodies did, buried by some unknown grave digger, waiting to be claimed and given a name.

You see, I know your pain of being occupied and oppressed. I have wept for you as Israel bombed Gaza. I have stood up for you as they perpetrated crimes of unimaginable magnitude against you. My heart has bled along with those innocent children they killed for fun, the ones playing on the beach. My soul was left bruised as I saw images of children in pieces, under rubble, in arms of their loved ones. I have bled with you as one after other the bombs rained from the night sky. I have clutched my heart in grief as mothers wailed over the dead body of their sons. I know only too well the loss of young ones. I have been flooded many times with the warm blood of teenagers and even children. No, there are no bombs falling from the sky here (ironically, that is the only difference between you and me) but there are bullets, free, anytime, anywhere. Indiscriminate. They tell their people that they aim for the legs to ‘control the crowd’ but in reality they aim at hearts and heads of young children, who look like flowers in fresh bloom. They are afraid of stones you see, so afraid of stones that they defend themselves with bullets. I have seen so many small coffins, too many fathers shouldering the coffins of their sons, yet I have never given up, quite like you. The mothers smile, sisters singing ‘wanwun’ traditional marriage songs over martyrs, the fathers proudly kiss the dead, still, face goodbye, and I shed silent tears of pride and grief.

As I said we are bound by resistance; resistance to oppression and occupation. I might bleed and cradle young souls in my bosom but I never forget you. You are there in the sermons of Friday prayers, in the prayers of laylat ul qadr and in every protest; you never leave us. My people, they learn about Palestine almost as soon as they learn about Kashmir. There they try to obliterate your existence; here they try to occupy our history. Occupiers are all the same but little do they know so are we. Our hearts beat to be free, to live free of occupation and oppression, to see ‘us’ prevail. One day I know we will both be free; you will no longer grow flowers in tear gas canisters and I will no longer bury my young. Till that day, when the song of freedom is carried from Palestine to Kashmir, till that day, and beyond, let this bond never break. Khodayas hawale. 

With love,

Yours in grief and happiness

Indian occupied Kashmir 

The Function of a basic Piston Engine

Ever wondered that the car you drive, how does it actually work? What does the engine that you always hear about when a car is mentioned actually does? Well you'll know soon enough!

Basic Parts of a Engine:

A basic piston engine consists of the core of the engine, thee cylinder, with the pistons moving up and down continuously in the cylinders. Cars that have a piston engine consists of 2, 4, 6 and 8 cylinders. In multi cylinder engines, the cylinders are placed in three positions, Inline, V or flat based.
Different configurations have different advantages and disadvantages in terms of smoothness, manufacturing cost and shape characteristics. These advantages and disadvantages make them more suitable for certain vehicles.

The Key parts of an Engine:

-Spark Plugs:
  The spark plug supplies the spark that ignites the air/fuel mixture so that combustion can occur. The spark must happen at just the right moment for things to work properly.

The intake and exhaust valves open at the proper time to let in air and fuel and to let out exhaust. Note that both valves are closed during compression and combustion so that the combustion chamber is sealed.

A piston is a cylindrical piece of metal that moves up and down inside the cylinder.

-Piston rings:
Piston rings provide a sliding seal between the outer edge of the piston and the inner edge of the cylinder. The rings serve two purposes:
  • They prevent the fuel/air mixture and exhaust in the combustion chamber from leaking into the sump during compression and combustion.
  • They keep oil in the sump from leaking into the combustion area, where it would be burned and lost.

Most cars that are burning oil are the ones that have busted piston rings and cylinder seals which is usually seen in old cars.

-Connecting Rod:
The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft. It can rotate at both ends so that its angle can change as the piston moves and the crankshaft rotates.

-Crank Shaft:
The crankshaft turns the piston's up and down motion into circular motion just like a crank on a jack-in-the-box does.

The sump surrounds the crankshaft. It contains some amount of oil, which collects in the bottom of the sump (the oil pan).

Internal Combustion Principal:

The ­principle behind any reciprocating internal combustion engine: If you put a tiny amount of high-energy fuel (like gasoline) in a small, enclosed space and ignite it, an incredible amount of energy is released in the form of expanding gas. You can use that energy to propel a potato 500 feet. In this case, the energy is translated into potato motion. You can also use it for more interesting purposes. For example, if you can create a cycle that allows you to set off explosions like this hundreds of times per minute, and if you can harness that energy in a useful way, what you have is the core of a car engine!
Almost all cars currently use what is called a four-stroke combustion cycle to convert gasoline into motion. The four-stroke approach is also known as the Otto cycle, in honor of Nikolaus Otto, who invented it in 1867. The four strokes are:
  • Intake stroke
  • Compression stroke
  • Combustion stroke
  • Exhaust stroke
  1. The piston starts at the top, the intake valve opens, and the piston moves down to let the engine take in a cylinder-full of air and gasoline. This is the intake stroke. Only the tiniest drop of gasoline needs to be mixed into the air for this to work. 
  2. Then the piston moves back up to compress this fuel/air mixture. Compression makes the explosion more powerful.
  3. When the piston reaches the top of its stroke, the spark plugs  emits a spark to ignite the gasoline. The gasoline charge in the cylinder explodes, driving the piston down. 
  4. Once the piston hits the bottom of its stroke, the exhaust valve opens and the exhaust leaves the cylinder to go out the tailpipe. 

 Now the engine is ready for the next cycle, so it intakes another charge of air and gas.

A Smart Shirt that improves you.

If you've owned chest straps and wrist monitors then you will be interested in this new body monitoring technology. Called the Hexoskin shirt, this technology is capable of accurately tracking an array of biometric data. 
The hexoskin shirt monitors your body's temperature. your health. your muscles and everything related to you and your body! While being as comfortable as possible, the biometric shirt is lightweight, breathable, anti-odour and offers UV protection. 
Nowadays you can download apps that can sense your heart beat, your intensity levels, steps and pace are recorded on your personal dashboard and visible in real time on your device. When your'e ready, the shirt sends all your body data to your personal smartphone and you can then see what's your body status. Biometric sensors seem a natural progression in the fitness world, where fitness enthusiasts are always looking for the latest workout trends that bring the best results. 
Biometric sensors can be added to the fabric of just about everything you wear including shirts, shorts, hats and even shoes. You can sleep with the sensors on you and immediately start working out when you wake with no hassle of finding heart rate monitors.

HexoSkin Shirt Features:

  • 14+ hours battery standby time
  • Bluetooth connectivity with IOS and Android
  • The data is validated by independent research labs
  • It is safe for any type of activity 

Saturday 11 July 2015

Does Smoking Kill Every Minute?

One of the leading causes of death worldwide is smoking. Smoking leads to serious disease and disability and it harms nearly every organ of the body.
Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic
bronchitis. In addition, smoking increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye disease as well as problem of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking is also well known cause for erectile dysfunction in males. About 77 million African adults currently smoke. Moreover, over 16 million Americans are currently living with disease caused by smoking. Tobacco use worldwide leads to nearly 6 million deaths per year, and current trend suggested that it will lead to 8 million deaths annually by 2030. However, governments take less action regarding the problem of tobacco smoking. Perhaps, due to huge amount of money received as taxes from tobacco industries. In the United States for instance, a fiscal year, 2015, states will collect $25.6 billion from tobacco taxes and legal settlements but will only spend $490.4 million, less than 2% on prevention and cessation programs.Meanwhile, tobacco industry spends billions of dollars every year on advertisements and promotions of its product. In 2012, $9.17 billion was spent on advertisements and promotions of cigarette, i.e. over $25 million daily, or beyond $1 million every single hour. Price discount of the product, account for 85% of all cigarette marketing. These are discounts paid to cigarette wholesalers and retailers, in order to reduce price of the product to facilitate consumption. “I wish the governments would declare cigarette illegal” said one cigarette smoker, Obaid Mohammed Idriss, a resident of Khartoum, the Capital of Sudan. According to him, almost every cigarette smoker is willing to quit, which seems extremely difficult and to some extent impossible. Due to lack of cessation programs in the region. Research has confirmed that coloured people find it extremely difficult to quit smoking compared to white race. This phenomenon is one of the phenomena that need urgent attention by every government across the world. However, as taxes from tobacco industries supply our governments with huge income, there is no possibility for most governments taking serious actions against smoking. Till perhaps, the day miracle comes down from above and touch the hearts of those government officials, responsible for eradication of this particular deaths trade. Until then, billions of people will continue to fall victims of deaths, caused by smoking related diseases.

Writer - Ibraheem Abdel-hameed

The Universal Remote which can link you to any piece of Tech

A Universal remote control that link's you with most of the tech you use? 

In the ultimate paradox, we have spent the last several years untethering our workforces while technically intertwining our personal and professional lives. With 30% of the office workers out of their office on any given day, the ability to connect to their office machines and gadgets is quite some hard work. An unanswered phone, a text with no response or an instant message not instantly acknowledged is anything but unified, creating communications drag instead of speed, there has to be a better way!

We are about to enter an era in which the most important thing will not just be your normal smartphone but it will have something amazing in it. YES! it will have an ability to link all your work gadgets, technology and teams to the daily processes and workflows of professional lives. But how are we going to experience this? Well here's what's being developed for our use:


  With last year's launch of the iPhone 6, VOWIFI was finally launched. Unlike over-the-top voice and video applications such as Skype or FaceTime, VoWiFi allows users to employ the same interface, features and phone number whether they are on a public cellular or a Wi-Fi network, giving enterprise users the same rich unified communications and collaboration resources wherever they are or wherever they go.
To make VoWiFi a reality, service providers are investing to build out new network capabilities with operators like T-Mobile, seeing the early opportunity to provide meaningful service differentiation to today’s weary and overcommitted professional. It is a long-awaited oasis where seamlessly staying connected becomes a reality.
M2M is the core of broad Internet of Things (IoT) movement and an era in which collisions between man and machines take place, driving the flow of activities and process organically.The emerging use of M2M solutions leveraging voice over IP through Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to manage devices ensures a formal connection between devices before any data is transmitted, guaranteeing the delivery of data in the same order in which it is sent. By leveraging TCP, M2M devices can send an email or text message, or even make a phone call based on settings, enabling a world where a user would not only have a phone or laptop assigned to their online identity, but potentially a series of M2M devices able to respond with personalized content.

What started as a George Jetson-type conversation piece is rapidly moving to a price point and capability that will convert wearable technology into workplace technology. Access to wearable viewers, such as Google Glass, coupled with video cameras and vertical-specific applications is changing fields such as healthcare, retail, emergency services and hospitality.
The value of a connection between pacemakers and insulin pumps is obvious, but imagine a firefighter with access to building blueprints, residency information, temperature and other critical data available on a wearable viewer as they battle a blaze. Or a retail consultant who can offer a range of recom
mended clothes based on your prior purchases, color preferences or shoe size.
A new kind of social norm has surfaced in the last decade, where the applications we like best are the ones that know us. It is the Amazon factor a tech-enabled/ego-driven relationship nurtured through personalization, context and real-time analytics that make routine decisions automatically about what to keep and what to filter, so that your next book is served up based on the last. Applications become even more entrenched when we add convenience to context.
When you combine click-to-connect capability alongside the resources, documents and tools that provide context to conversation, magic starts to happen, and, in the business setting, deepens real-time engagement, turbo boosting the efficacy of your enterprise’s communications and accelerating the flow of commerce.
WebRTC is an odd mashup of a word and an acronym, but it represents the transformative ability to bring real-time voice, video and other forms of collaboration to life via a simple browser without the need for a downloaded client or clunky plug-in. It offers an on-demand-type experience without the hassles of software updates or compatibility issues helping to overcome the skill-testing question my son recently asked, “Why doesn’t Skype work with FaceTime?”
Enterprises looking to offer “click-to-connect” capabilities to their customers, employees or partners see WebRTC as a cost-effective way to complement their existing communications investments and improve the user experience. It is the ability to use voice, video and collaboration tools beyond the traditional walled-garden-constraints in many enterprises that sets up contextualization of communications. 


The emerging convergence enabled by these five technologies VoWiFi, M2M, Wearables, WebRTC and Contextual Communications  will undoubtedly bring disruption to the technology landscape. It is the 21st century extension of Darwin’s natural evolution.
The opportunity created by the IP intersection of our physical world of smartphones, sensors and wearables with cloud capabilities, intelligence and real-time communications applications is evolving to reveal a more productive and more capable enterprise, one that finally unifies disparate platforms, applications and processes. Here’s to the future, in real time.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Mercedes Benz S-Class Split screen technology

Mercedes Benz S-Class Split screen technology

Ever thought how boring it is to sit in the passenger seat beside the driver with the screen set for GPS to assist the driver with the directions he takes? Well i guess most people do feel bored because whoever doesn't, is a real wanker. Now you know how important it is for the driver to know all the directions while driving, all the turns he needs to take so we can't actually argue over the little screen to switch to an entertainment channel or something. 

Well, Mercedes thought for a solution for this huge boredom problem, Mercedes recently introduced the 'Split Screen Display' which allows the driver and the passenger to see what they want to see through just a single screen. The split screen display is fit in the Mercedes E and S-Class which provides a dual holographic view in which the driver can see the maps and directions and the passenger can easily watch all the shows or song videos, etc on his own side of the screen.  

 Mercedes-Benz has integrated the new  SPLITVIEW technology developed by    Mercedes-Benz and Bosch into the i  innovative control and display system  COMAND, which is centrally located in the  dashboard console. Its generously  dimensioned, 8-inch (approx. 20 mm)  monitor shows a backlit active matrix colour  display (TFT-LCD). This shows two different  images simultaneously by placing pixels  adjacent to each other,  a filter masking the display divides this mixed image in such a way that depending on the seating position, only the pixels making up one or the other image can be seen. As a result, the driver and front passenger can view different programmes on the same screen at the same time. The driver still has access to all the information from the control and display system command on the display, while the front passenger uses the remote control to choose his own entertainment programme with DVDs or music videos. To avoid distracting the driver with his entertainment programme, he also has the option of enjoying the programme via headphones.

Japan creates ASIMO Humanoid Robot

Japan's ASIMO Humanoid robot

ASIMO, an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility, is a humanoid robot created by HONDA. It was introduced on 21st October 2000, ASIMO was designed to be a multifunctional mobile assistant with aspirations of helping those who lack full mobility. ASIMO is frequently being used as an inspiration to those who love science and mathematics. 

Being about 3 to 4 feet tall and 54KG heavy ASIMO was designed to operate in real-world environments, with the ability to walk or run on two feet at speeds of up to 6 kilometres per hour (3.7 mph).  In the USA, ASIMO is part of the inventions which act attraction within Disneyland and has been featured in a 15-minute show called "Say 'Hello' to Honda's ASIMO" since June 2005.The robot has made public appearances around the world, including the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the Miraikan Museum and Honda Collection Hall in Japan, and the Ars Electronica festival in Austria.

Features and Technology:


ASIMO stands 130 cm (4 ft 3 in) tall and weighs 54 kg (119 lb). Research conducted by Honda found that the ideal height for a mobility assistant robot was between 120 cm and the height of an average adult, which is conducive to operating door knobs and light switches. ASIMO is powered by a rechargeable 51.8V lithium ion battery with an operating time of one hour. Switching from a nickel metal hydride in 2004 increased the amount of time ASIMO can operate before recharging. ASIMO has a three-dimensional computer processor that was created by Honda and consists of a three stacked die, a processor, a signal converter and memory.The computer that controls ASIMO's movement is housed in the robot's waist area and can be controlled by a PC, wireless controller, or voice commands. .

ASIMO has the ability to recognise moving objects, postures, gestures, its surrounding environment and all the faces and everything, which in turn enables it to interact with humans. This bot can detect the movements of multiple objects by using visual information captured by two camera "eyes" in its head and also determine distance and direction with its sensors. This feature allows ASIMO to follow or face a person when approached. The robot interprets voice commands and human gestures, enabling it to recognise when a handshake is offered or when a person waves or points, and then respond accordingly. ASIMO's ability to distinguish between voices and other sounds allows it to identify its companions. ASIMO  is able to respond to its name and recognises sounds associated with a falling object or collision. This allows the robot to face a person when spoken to or look towards a sound. ASIMO responds to questions by nodding or providing a verbal answer in different languages and can recognise approximately 10 different faces and address them by name.

ASIMO has a walking speed of 2.7 kilometres per hour (1.7 mph) and a running speed of 6 kilometres per hour (3.7 mph). Its movements are determined by floor reaction control and target Zero movement point control, which enables the robot to keep a firm stance and maintain position. ASIMO can adjust the length of its steps, body position, speed and the direction in which it is stepping. Its arms, hands, legs, waist and neck also have varying degrees of movement. The technology that allows the robot to maintain its balance was later used by Honda when it began the research and development project for its motorised unicycle in 2009. ASIMO has a total of 34 degrees of freedom. The neck, shoulder, wrist and hip joints each have three degrees of freedom, while each hand has four fingers and a thumb that have two degrees of freedom, Each ankle has two degrees of freedom, and the waist, knees and elbows each have one degree of freedom. I know it sounds a little hard to understand but it basically means that each body part of this robot has some space given for its mobility.
There are sensors that assist in autonomous navigation. The two cameras inside the head are used as a visual sensor to detect obstacles. The lower portion of the torso has ground sensor which comprises one laser sensor and one infrared sensor. The laser sensor is used to detect ground surface. The infrared sensor with automatic shutter adjustment based on brightness is used to detect pairs of floor markings to confirm the navigable paths of the planned map. The pre-loaded map and the detection of floor markings help the robot to precisely identify its present location and continuously adjusting its position. There are front and rear ultrasonic sensors to sense the obstacles. The front sensor is located at the lower portion of the torso together with the ground sensor. The rear sensor is located at the bottom of the backpack.

'Japan is developing more robotics for a future that is technical, safe and informative. 

It has accomplished wonders and with their efficient yet innovative technology and ideas, 

they can start a whole new era with exciting and amazing inventions.'

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