Saturday 11 July 2015

The Universal Remote which can link you to any piece of Tech

A Universal remote control that link's you with most of the tech you use? 

In the ultimate paradox, we have spent the last several years untethering our workforces while technically intertwining our personal and professional lives. With 30% of the office workers out of their office on any given day, the ability to connect to their office machines and gadgets is quite some hard work. An unanswered phone, a text with no response or an instant message not instantly acknowledged is anything but unified, creating communications drag instead of speed, there has to be a better way!

We are about to enter an era in which the most important thing will not just be your normal smartphone but it will have something amazing in it. YES! it will have an ability to link all your work gadgets, technology and teams to the daily processes and workflows of professional lives. But how are we going to experience this? Well here's what's being developed for our use:


  With last year's launch of the iPhone 6, VOWIFI was finally launched. Unlike over-the-top voice and video applications such as Skype or FaceTime, VoWiFi allows users to employ the same interface, features and phone number whether they are on a public cellular or a Wi-Fi network, giving enterprise users the same rich unified communications and collaboration resources wherever they are or wherever they go.
To make VoWiFi a reality, service providers are investing to build out new network capabilities with operators like T-Mobile, seeing the early opportunity to provide meaningful service differentiation to today’s weary and overcommitted professional. It is a long-awaited oasis where seamlessly staying connected becomes a reality.
M2M is the core of broad Internet of Things (IoT) movement and an era in which collisions between man and machines take place, driving the flow of activities and process organically.The emerging use of M2M solutions leveraging voice over IP through Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to manage devices ensures a formal connection between devices before any data is transmitted, guaranteeing the delivery of data in the same order in which it is sent. By leveraging TCP, M2M devices can send an email or text message, or even make a phone call based on settings, enabling a world where a user would not only have a phone or laptop assigned to their online identity, but potentially a series of M2M devices able to respond with personalized content.

What started as a George Jetson-type conversation piece is rapidly moving to a price point and capability that will convert wearable technology into workplace technology. Access to wearable viewers, such as Google Glass, coupled with video cameras and vertical-specific applications is changing fields such as healthcare, retail, emergency services and hospitality.
The value of a connection between pacemakers and insulin pumps is obvious, but imagine a firefighter with access to building blueprints, residency information, temperature and other critical data available on a wearable viewer as they battle a blaze. Or a retail consultant who can offer a range of recom
mended clothes based on your prior purchases, color preferences or shoe size.
A new kind of social norm has surfaced in the last decade, where the applications we like best are the ones that know us. It is the Amazon factor a tech-enabled/ego-driven relationship nurtured through personalization, context and real-time analytics that make routine decisions automatically about what to keep and what to filter, so that your next book is served up based on the last. Applications become even more entrenched when we add convenience to context.
When you combine click-to-connect capability alongside the resources, documents and tools that provide context to conversation, magic starts to happen, and, in the business setting, deepens real-time engagement, turbo boosting the efficacy of your enterprise’s communications and accelerating the flow of commerce.
WebRTC is an odd mashup of a word and an acronym, but it represents the transformative ability to bring real-time voice, video and other forms of collaboration to life via a simple browser without the need for a downloaded client or clunky plug-in. It offers an on-demand-type experience without the hassles of software updates or compatibility issues helping to overcome the skill-testing question my son recently asked, “Why doesn’t Skype work with FaceTime?”
Enterprises looking to offer “click-to-connect” capabilities to their customers, employees or partners see WebRTC as a cost-effective way to complement their existing communications investments and improve the user experience. It is the ability to use voice, video and collaboration tools beyond the traditional walled-garden-constraints in many enterprises that sets up contextualization of communications. 


The emerging convergence enabled by these five technologies VoWiFi, M2M, Wearables, WebRTC and Contextual Communications  will undoubtedly bring disruption to the technology landscape. It is the 21st century extension of Darwin’s natural evolution.
The opportunity created by the IP intersection of our physical world of smartphones, sensors and wearables with cloud capabilities, intelligence and real-time communications applications is evolving to reveal a more productive and more capable enterprise, one that finally unifies disparate platforms, applications and processes. Here’s to the future, in real time.

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