Thursday 30 July 2015

Nuclear Energy: The Right of Iran.

In the minds of human beings there runs this feeling to conquer and rule over the most possible things which they could, when it doesn't seem to happen the easy way, they use money and power. They want things to go according to them and don't want any interpretations to it. A big example of those minds is seen in the shape of America and with its allies, known as world powers. To achieve their devilish goals they would go through anything, either if its killing an innocent, oppression, destabilizing a country by starting battles and by lots of unjust acts. But the most interesting thing is that after all that oppression they have forecast, the world still sees them as righteous heads of state. It's not that those people like oppression its rather because that oppression is made to appear as justified and right thing but sadly we follow all those justification which appears on media with our closed minds and eyes.

Half a century ago from today Iran was an idle nation, USA, UK and some other European countries had a lot of interest in Iran's natural resources the same way they had interests in natural resources in Afghanistan, made Al-Qaeda and Taliban introduced them as terrorist organizations, killed the innocents of their own country in 911, blamed it on Al-Qaeda and Yaaay!, they actually had a justifiable reason to invade Afghanistan. The very same case with Iraq and other similar states. The Shah of the Iran was sold out to America, and he himself had bought his entire nation and made them go into a long sleep. During that time Iran started to become famous as 2nd Europe because of the entirely westernized culture. The Iranians just had to sit in their homes, relax and enjoy their life not supposed to work at all, the American pulpit was there to fund them. But a man called Imam Khomeni rose up, opposed the ideology and system of Shah and the hacks of national property by western powers, he made the people to stand on their feet, think and renovate their minds. And with the support of 30 million revolutionary Iranians he finally kicked out Shah and his Western powers undergoing one of the remarkable revolution and established an independent state which caused no threat to any state. By then money and power couldn't buy Iran and ever since those western powers are struggling not to accept that defeat. Today Iran is the biggest enemy of America, why? Simply because Iran says no to the policies of America thus as a revenge they imposed sanctions on them so that they may not flourish.
Today when the supreme leader of Iran tells that we have no interest over building nuclear weapons and proves that from the Holy Book Qur'aan that the weapons of mass destruction are not allowed in the religion, these unjust leaders from West don't want that to be accepted by the world, they want to maintain a bad image of Iran by their baseless and false interpretations. But the Muslims trust him they trust Ayatollah Khomeni exactly they same way Christians trust Pope Francis.

After the agreement of P5+1 on Iran's nuclear deal which also seems as a strategy for the world powers for future relations with Iran, the red carpet are now been rolled out in Tehran as the high officials from different parts of the world are arriving to explore the beautiful Iran and doors of trade are seen to be opening with various profitable business opportunities. Iranians of coarse are very happy with the deal and have opened their arms for warm welcome to foreigners.

But still after the deal has been agreed, the US congress stays in its arrogant state with Iran. Earlier the republicans from congress criticized John Kerry for giving too much ground to Iran on which he cleared that its not to reform the Iranian regime. Although its still possible for the US congress to torpedo the deals during the 2 month time congress has to review the deal, Mr. Obama cannot lift the sanctions imposed by congress on Iran, its also possible that congress can reject the deal although Mr. Obama has the right to veto that which is unlikely to happen because it would need two-third majority to overturn the veto.
America now remains in a state of anxiety related to Iran as things are not going accordingly to their dearly plans and wishes and a slightest mistake can result devastating for America.

In the previous week Ayatollah Khomeni cleared if America starts of any battle it would be its suicide mission, he quoted, " An individual has said that he can destroy Iran's army. If those who will hear this statement want to know the truth and if they are willing to use their experiences correctly they should know that should any war break out of course we do not welcome and begin any war, he who will emerge humiliated [literally : "head-cracked"] out of it, will be transgressing criminal America."

President Obama will leave the office one day but this surely would not mean a peaceful world, presidents of USA will come and go but the congress and their mind set of conquering the world and an imagination of world according to America will stay like that, more innocents will die due to a state drowned in selfishness. And that needs to be stopped. Every human has the right to live freely and independently under his religion and culture provided that he doesn't possess any harm to others.

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